I guess I just need to blow off some steam..I don't understand why other people can be so crappy! I know that isn't a nice word to use, but I'm so tired of rude people, people that think they are better than everyone else and people who are so unwilling to make new friends because they don't feel everyone else is good enough for them. I consider myself a good person. I would do just about anything for anyone else. Given that is doesn't compromise my family or marriage. I'm so tired of the looks, the judgment and the way people treat other people. I see it every day, among families, kids and little kids. I just want to be accepted for who I am. That I'm a good mom, good wife and that everyone's circumstances are always changing and evolving. I don't look down on other people because of their circumstances..The only time I get aggravated by most other people is by their attitude and how they treat other people. I try to always maintain my positive composure. Try to be happy when things really could be better and try to lift other people up. Isn't that what its all about?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
1st day of Kingdergarten
Well Today was the first official day of school for Mark. I have dreaded this moment for the past 5 years. I used to think when he was first born that I had 5 whole years to count down to..Boy did time fly..So we got ready today..New shoes, new shorts, new School shirts..I asked him if he was excited to start school and he said he was. Last night not so much. We had meet the teacher and I asked him if he liked his new teacher and he said "uh not really"..ha ha..Its really hard to fill the shoes of his preschool teacher Miss Cami. She was so great and so friendly. Really loves children and its killing me that she isn't his teacher anymore.
Brandon and Alec went with us to his first day. We walked him to class and found his seat. He was just great. He said he had a really great day and that he now likes his new teacher. I cried my eyes out and was really upset that none of the other parents seemed to be upset. It bothers me on a lot of different levels. I think most parents are excited to be away from their children and to get a break. I love being with my kids and wish school wasn't so long. Most parents look at it as a form of day care that they don't have to pay for..What about this system is so great? Who deems it necessary to be away from their parents for 6 to 8 hours per day?
I am overly hormonal right now too. I cried at the house and when we left the school and was so happy to see him. He of course was fine and didn't have any problems saying good bye. It amazes me how strong our children are!
He only goes 2 and half hours per day. On late start days 2 hours. Its contraindicating of what I just wrote, but at the same time I don't think that short amount of time is enough. I did half day kindergarten and really enjoyed it. I thought that Kindergartners should always be half day and then when it was changed to full day I thought that was too much. Now being a mom, I'm all over the place and not sure what is best..Other than being with my baby more!
Regardless so far so good! He had a great day and things seem to go well. I'm glad he is only part day for my own selfish reasons. I miss him! He is my baby!!!
Labels: Jen's lost, school
Monday, August 10, 2009
Its official
Its official..I saw my Doc on Sat and he said we are going with the Sept 13,09 due date Instead of my Sept 23 Due date. What does this mean..I lose 2 weeks and jump ahead to 36 weeks. I now go to the Dr every week and my weeks change every Saturday!
Wow..I'm still not sure that I'm ready, but Its happening anyways..guess I better get ready! I'm ready to be done! The heat has been awful and this has been by far my hardest pregnancy..Just different. I've not really felt up to par for most of it. I look forward to meeting baby Wilcox. Look forward to all the things that are great when you have a new baby in the house. I'm nervous about how Mark and Alec will take it. I think Mark will take a new baby like a trooper. Alec I'm worried about, but think all in all he will be fine. Can't believe that soon enough I'm going to be a mother of 3~ Wow!! I'm going to be that much busier and time is going to go that much faster!!
Labels: baby