Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Here is what I've learned so far:

To finishing unstarted projects, finishing the unfinished..Not being so picky about everything and the ability to not control it. Meaning that now I have kids, I need to get over the want to have everything be perfect. That went out the window when I had kids. Its sooooo hard for me to just let things be..To let the kids help because I want to do things my way, to realize that my house will never be spotless no matter how hard I try.

That my King size bed WAS made to hold 3 people or more, that I am infact getting older and that I do drive a mini van now:( Yep, still sore about that one..

I do complain alot in these blogs, but when It boils down to it, I am very happy. I am very blessed! I love my boys more than anything I could have ever imagined. The days are to short, so are the years..Secretly my heart aches for when these days are over. ( Just don't want them to end) I love having a baby in the house, I always think about more, but I can't imagine the dirty looks, I will get then. I get stopped in the store non stop by people wanting to know how old the baby is and to talk to the boys.
I would wake up 10 times a night to hold onto these moments and the youth of my children. I would change diapers for the rest of my life to keep them small. That my five year old makes me laugh more that imagineable.
My 3 year olds (though he swears he is still 2 and a half) ability to quiet a whole gymnasium full of adults by yelling at his brother. " MARK DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" Too funny, but still embarrasing!
That the third time must be a charm because Blake is such a good baby. Sleeps well, doesn't fuss much, and is so happy. I lucked out this time around!!

That though I get mad its only brief and I love to buy stuff for my children. Even though I swore I wouldn't because they were bad in the store:-P

If its going to get broken, its most likely mine and I've had it for a long time..Great way to get rid of clutter!

To drive my husband bonkers with my lack of organization and to want to save every animal out there even though we are out numbered in our house. we have a little dog named Scrappy. Alec calls him Pee Pee:)

My Husbands undying loyalty inspite of all of my flaws! How hard I laugh at him when he finds the only goats head (nasty pokey sticker)in the house in the bottom of his foot. How he always has something he really wants to do..Ie, some sort of multilevel marketing and how much money we have spent on these sort of things. His famous line, "But its something I really want to do."

Yep, its a crazy life and I wouldn't change it for the world. (except maybe all the negativity, war, and all the bad things going on in the world)
Hope you all have a very great New Year, that you are safe and that it brings you New things, new opportunity and much love!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


My favorite time of year is coming to an end. Not so sure that's such a bad thing this year. I have always enjoyed Christmas and Thanksgiving. However this year has been all about catching up and I still have not managed to do so. Things are tough. In fact as I sit here I have a baby in my lap. He is my helper. My hubby says its all about how I organize my time. That I'm productive at the wrong times. I'm definitely more of a night owl than a day time person. I can get stuff done but generally I don't until later in the day. I can get a lot done while the boys are in bed.
So as I start to pack away my christmas stuff away I think about how amazing the New Year is going to be. It just has to be.

The boys loved Christmas. Well after awhile they did. Mark was thrilled, he said he got everything he wanted. It took Alec awhile to warm up to the idea. At one point he cried and said he wanted different presents. It made me sad because Santa put a lot of work into getting their gifts. Everything he got was stuff he showed interest in. I think he was surprised at the different stuff he got. I think he was expecting to get the same stuff as Mark. Good mental note for Santa! Blake of course was indifferent. He was happy just to be there.

We enjoyed time at both families houses. Of course they always eat at the same time and its a big fat pain in the butt. Hubby is always happy to spend time at both, but i know its upsetting when we don,t make it to his families earlier. Next year something has to change. But NO ONE want to celebrate a day earlier, that would be too easy...
Did I mention Ive also thrown my diet out the window for now..Starting a diet around the holidays is murder..So here soon I will get the will power and will stick with it. Right now I have none and it makes me guilty and I feel like a big fat quitter..ha ha! Egg nog I salute you, you will not get the best of me:)
I hope you all had a great Christmas and I wish you a very Happy New year!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Moon

I finally saw New Moon. It was amazing. Made me feel like a giddy school girl:-). I love the characters. Mostly I'm team Edward, but Jacob was pretty amazing too. Both really lead that whole fairy tale romance thing. I could only dream to have that in my chaotic real life. It was so good that tomorrow I'm going to see it again!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time is Flying..

Where have the past few weeks gone geez! I guess a few things are going on. Nothing to much out of the norm though. We FINALLY got a new computer!! I am so happy, but sort of out of the habit of using it. I haven't really been on in weeks. Maybe a good thing though. I seem to be getting a little bit more done:)
Blake is 10 weeks and just went in for his first set of shots. I think thats the one thing that would make me not want to have any more kids. I worry so much about the vaccines and what they can do. I also worry about what can happen if they don't have them. Lots of old diseases are making a come back and it scares me. I pray and pray for him not to have any reactions. I put my faith in God, with everything I do and that helps me to be at ease.
Mark and Alec were both sick, which transferred to me and passed on to the baby. Every one seems to be doing well now. Mark's cough is hanging on. I took him to the doc yesterday when he saw Blake and everything seems to be good!!Maybe just some seasonal allergies. I kept him home from school to go to the doc. I didn't want to but I wanted to make sure he didn't have something..
I've taken on my walking again. Since my friend Mandy went back to work I haven't walked at all..But we recently started going again on her lunch break. We go downtown..THere are hills every where down there, so we get a good work out. I'm glad to, because the scale hasn't budged since I stopped walking.
I am also trying to wean off of the coffee. I know how fattening it is and really I don't need one every day. THats how often I've been going. So today I had a grande nonfat pumpkin spice latte. I didn't get one last night and had a headache today. But I did less fat today and a smaller size. So gradually I am going to wean off and only have it sometimes. Maybe for special treat or something. I did try an Iced coffee with chocolate and it was awful strong!!
Yeah I know I sound like a broken record, but I will be healthy!!!!