I started up another blog..I hope you will check it out. It has to do with my journey to finding the right path and having a relationship with God. I hope you will check it out. I can not stand the thought of my friends not making it into heaven and living eternity in the lake of fire. I myself am learning and know its going to be a long road. Part of me is sort of embarrassed to even be blogging about it at all. But this is who I am and what I believe and maybe I can help someone who is struggling just like I am. Trying to find truth and answers. So please check it out and become a follower. I promise to only post truth and what I am going through:)
Here is the link...http://jenniferssavinggrace.blogspot.com
Friday, January 21, 2011
my new blog
Labels: new blog
Friday, January 14, 2011
What are your dreams? Or like me do you feel like some where out of the blue you stopped dreaming? My husband asked me the other day to write down my goals and dreams..Really not sure what to write. Of course there is always the want and need to be healthy. To have healthy happy successful children. But what about me? Not to sure I know anymore. Day to day stuff has me wondering..
Have any of you lost your dreams? No where to be found and you want them back?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Justice, eh I think not
You remember the story of my hit and run victims the other day right? Well if not you can see it here. Last night I left Wal-Mart and I saw a green car that looked so similar to the one that took off on Monday night. So I decided to follow and see if it was in fact the car. The way he flew through the parking lot made me more than suspicious. So I pull out of Wal-Mart on to Airway I see the car flying down the road.Basically all I want to do is drive by and get the license plate number and see if I can see a dent on his front bumper. Well apparently that was not in the cards. I watch as the car turns on to Willow and look in my rear view mirror..There is a lovely police car following me! I knew before he even turned on his lights I was BUSTED. So I get ready to turn off and prepare to pull over as he turns his lights on. He walks up to the car and asks me if I know why he pulled me over. I said I know exactly why you pulled me over, but can I tell you why. He said ok..I'm sure guessing that I had some wild story to tell him. I really did! So I tell him what happened and he asks me the typical questions...Like when did this happen, What kind of car was it, where did it happen..Clearly not believing me. So a few minutes later he walks back up to my car and hands me my warning to sign. Tells me next time to call them and let them handle it. That if I approach him, he could come after me. What?! I was not about to approach him! I just wanted to get his plate number..So trying to be a good citizen didn't really pay off and those people who got hit didn't get one ounce of Justice. I swear sometimes I am way too nice. I ended up feeling like an idiot, Mr. Police officer totally didn't believe me and the zippy little green car got away! Thankfully I didn't get a ticket he was nice in that aspect..but still I was super Mad!
Labels: Some people
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The boys
I told Mark to be careful last night. I bought him one of those ginourmous pencils from the dollar store and I told him to be careful because he could hurt himself. He likes to carry his things around. Alec pipes in and says, "Ya Mark you could kill your life." Although not funny the way he said it was really cute. I just love these guys. They are great!
You can run, but you can not hide
The day before yesterday I had done some grocery shopping at the new Safeway. I was supposed to be at the gym, but wasn't really in the mood. I got every one and every thing loaded in the car. We left and I pulled out on to Stockton hill Rd. I was at the traffic light getting ready to make a Left on to Gordon. One car in front of me. The cars crossing Gordon had the light. As I'm sitting there watching everyone go by I see a white truck go through the light and a Teal green car turning Left on to Stockton run into each other. This was totally the Green car's fault. Had he been paying attention and let the truck go. Who had the right away he would not have run into him. So the white truck backs up to get out of the way, as does the green car. Neither had cars behind them. My arrow comes and I turn on to Gordon. The green car backs up to Circle K like he is getting out of the way and turns around and takes off! In the mean time I had turned around because I thought he had taken off. I see the white truck who got him pull into Safeway and I stopped and asked them if he took off. They said Yup, he sure did. I felt so bad for these people. They were super nice and not really to concerned over the damage. Basically it just bent their front bumper a little and left some of his paint.
Its funny because in a town like Phoenix you might actually get away with this. But Geez, this is Kingman. They will find him. I'm not sure what kind of car he had, but it was one of those cars you don't see every day. Not your basic white car that we see all over. So its sad. No one was hurt but I can not believe that he ran. I fear for other drivers out there and wish I would have gotten his license plate number.. What a jerk, some people should not be able to drive!
Labels: Some people
Friday, January 7, 2011
Of no importance
This is a silly post and really has no relevance what so ever..Just a funny post.
It annoys the heck out of me how Women throw themselves at celebrities. I know it doesn't affect my life what so ever. But it really urks me, because if I wasn't happily married and met a nice celebrity..(HA HA, I can't even type that with out Chuckling) These women would have ruined it for me and all of us. Why oh why would you degrade yourself so you could just be a random hook up for them. Make them respect women more.
I don't know if they are so desperate to be popular themselves or huge gold diggers. I just don't get it. I don't know it just makes us all look so desperate and makes them think they can do what they want and cheat on their significant others if they have one. Oh well..Its funny to think about and really doesn't matter. Just an annoyance:)
Labels: just for fun
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Accountability check...
I decided to check with you all and see how those fresh New Years resolutions are going. I am still going pretty good. I've been hitting the gym pretty regularly. I'm kind of sore today in fact. My usual gym buddy is going to another gym now:( So I have to brave it alone. I downloaded a ton of music to listen to while I work out and it seemed to go pretty fast. I like to go and do the classes but I know that I have to keep mixing it up. Last night I went to just work out. It went good. Blake didn't want to be in the daycare and about an hour in they came and got me. But I did get in a decent work out.
I am still working on de-cluttering and organizing my life. This step is going to take a while. I just have to keep going and It will all come together. I've got a lot of stuff that just sits and really its making me crazy. So instead of spending time surfing the computer I have been trying to take care of all of that. I can not even tell you how many load of Laundry I've done. We just have WAY to many clothes. Mostly kids clothes. After washing all of these clothes I've seen some I haven't even seen in a while. I could probably go a month and the kids would still have clothes to wear..So I'm sorting. I just can't stand it.
Still working on my temper and staying patient with the kiddos. Its tough but I do have to remember they are JUST kids. I'm ready for the weekend!! First week back after a break is always tough. Kids are doing great though!!
Oh and I am blogging..thats a big one:)
Are you all still keeping up with your resolutions?
Labels: resolutions
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Wow, my 100th post...2011
Wow have I been a bad blogger! Its crazy how much has happened since my last blog....My hubs birthday, mine, Christmas and now New years! The boys have been out of school for the past two weeks and I have LOVED every minute of it. Its been nice to not HAVE to be anywhere and spend time with the family.
Seems I haven't really had any time to sit still at all.
I really can not believe that another year has come and gone. 2011..Really? Wow..I don't think I ever thought this far into the future when I was young. I do have some resolutions...while I do this periodically through the year anyways..I do still want to work on a few things.
1. I want to work on being a better blogger! Ya I know what your thinking...No she wont...lol..I feel like I am running around in circles most days. I sometimes can't get my head on straight..I hope to gradually become more organized. I think that it will happen, but its just going to take time. I partially organized one of my storage closets today. Hopefully a little bit at a time. Before I had kids I was so much more organized. I had every thing how I wanted it. Now mostly its put away to keep the kids out of it. Hubs likes to put stuff "up" to keep the kids out of it and eventually it causes a bigger mess...The little one of mine is into every thing. He is a climber...
2. I want to keep going to the gym and go a little more regularly. I think one of my goals was fittest in my life by 30..I'm thinking if the stores ever stop selling sweets, Starbucks, and junk I will get there. I just gotta keep pushing on. Last time I checked my body fat I had lost 1.2% and was pretty proud of that number. But some days I just drag.
3.More home cooked meals. I can not even begin to tell you how much easier it is to swing by taco bell in the evenings and get a yummy chicken burrito. Amidst the chaos its so much easier to eat out..but then again it doesn't help out #2 either if I keep it up...
4. I want to learn to relax a little bit more..This is just one thing I think I am totally incapable of. I constantly worry about every thing. There is sooo much to worry about I just need to learn to ditch it all and chill..
5. Finally (oh and believe me I could go on, but will spare you) I need to work on my temper a little and not to get uptight because I do get that way. There is no need and I am thinking that certain things just are what they are..and thats it...
Happy New year 2011....What are some of your resolutions?
Labels: random thoughts