Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Run down

So I thought I would give blogging a try..Everyone that I know that writes blogs seems to really enjoy it. Maybe for me it would be a good way to vent or feel heard. Also give everyone updates on whats happening with us..

We are fast approaching Mark's 5th birthday! I can not believe that soon enough I will be the mom to a 5 year old. The past 5 years have gone by so fast that my head is spinning. He is so wonderful though. I don't know what Brandon and I ever did before we were parents. Alec is 2 and a half. He knows how to get what he wants and how to get under his brothers skin. We have a new baby on the way..I don't know how we are going to do that...But I guess its just something you do. This one is a huge surprise. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of the pregnancy know this will most likely be my last. I tried the same with Alec, but I guess deep down I wasn't convinced he was my last. I look forward to having a new baby and just cross my fingers that things will go well with the siblings. I guess its something you always worry about as a parent. Aside from everything else going on in the world..I could spend my days in a cocoon trying to avoid all the negative garbage that is out there. But I don't I just put myself out there and try to be a good mom and wife. With the everyday struggles that are going on.

We've had to take a few steps back and re-evaluate our life, our finances and each other. I guess sometimes thats how you grow and learn. Things are going better than ever though at this point.

We are 19 weeks pregnant by dates and 21 by ultrasound. The doc says that we can have the baby anytime in between, but he thinks closer to 19 weeks. I just go with the flow. The baby is moving all the time now and its the best feeling. Although I am growing more insecure as my body starts to round out. It amazes me how the female body can construct and grow a baby. Such a miracle. I've done the delivery thing twice now, but that still doesn't stop me from getting nervous when I think about it. Hopefully this time I will get an epidural..High 5 to those women who can go with out..I did it once not by choice, but hope this time I will have the choice:)

Brandon is working hard as usual...He still works for Banker Insulation full time and on the side he is working for Tri state solar and wind. Selling wind turbines. Everyone is going green and the earning potential is huge. so he works just as much trying to stay busy and keep us afloat during these rough economic times..He made his first sale last week and is setting up lots of appointments.