How a woman's body can completely manufacture a whole living and breathing human. I keep looking at this little guy wondering how it is we do it. I'm in complete awww everytime I look at him. Completely in love and so happy and feeling very accomplished. I could honestly say I could keep having babies..They are so cute and helpless and do so many funny and adorable things. I miss being pregnant already. If I had known when he was coming I would have taken some time to really enjoy my last moments being pregnant. I was thinking I'd have to be induced.
I prayed and prayed for things to go smooth and for us. I asked for an easy delivery and a healthy baby. I put it in his hands as far as the sex of the baby. I knew he'd send us what would work best for our family. I had been sort of detached from God. Once I started praying again and communicating with God things started to change very rapidly. Its so cliche and people can believe what they want but my life started to get better. The stress of every day living started to fade away. I felt that comfort that had been absent for awhile. Now I didn't lose faith at all. I just got overly busy and put God on the back burner..Not even saying my prayers every night because I was falling asleep to quick. He welcomed me back with open arms and started reminding me of who I am and what I stand for. Not to be judgmental and to pray for those who are giving me grief. I can not imagine a life with out God in it..He had brought me all of my greatest blessings and I am forever grateful!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Its amazing to me.....
Friday, September 25, 2009
He's Here!!!!!!!!
I am proud to announce that Blake Adam Wilcox made his Debut on Sunday September 20, 2009. He weighed 9lbs 3.2oz and was 21.7inches long. He is a big boy, but is perfect!!!
I actually got to go into labor on my own this time!!! With both Mark and Alec I was induced. With Mark my blood pressure was getting to high and with Alec he wasn't moving enough and the doc was concerned that the placenta wasn't thriving anymore.
I had been cleaning house the majority of the day and been feeling kind of crampy all day. Not really any different than any other day. My hubby went to watch UFC and my friends Mandy and Sarah came over with their kids to hang out. We spent some time relaxing and having some good conversation. After they left I got everyone ready for bed and then the the hubby came home. I was in bed for about an hour tossing and turning. I was having contractions that kept getting stronger and stronger. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom a few times and one of those times I thought maybe my water had broken and was starting to leak. So I woke up hubby and we called our friend Mandy to come and stay with the boys. We went to the hospital and got right in. This was around 12:30-1:00 am. She checked me and said I was only dialated to a 1. Which was disappointing..she said I was probably dehydrated and that was causing the cramping. All I could think at this point was how I was going to go home and deal with these contractions that were getting stronger. So I downed three glasses of water trying to get rehydrated so these contractions would go away. After I got up to use the restroom I got sick to my stomach and all the water came up. I got really shaky and didn't feel well at all. So the nurse checked me again and I had gone from a 1 to a 4/5..all in an hour. She said I was staying!! Thank goodness!! I would have had the baby at home otherwise...
I asked for my epidural right away..last baby I didn't get one so I was jonesing to get one this time~ After the epidural was done she checked me again and I was already dialated to an 8...AT 5:30 the doc came in and broke my water..I was at a 9 at that point. Then I stayed there for about 2 hours until the nurses started rolling me some. Everytime I got up before It seemed to make me dialate that much faster so It made sense to move.
With in 15 minutes baby had dropped and I was ready to push..3 Big pushes and he came out. This delivery was so smooth and fast. I had been praying and praying for things to go smooth.
Needless to say I am completely in love all over again. Its funny because with every baby I have worried about how things would change with having a new baby..but it always seems to just work..
Labels: baby
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fall is in the air
One of my favorite suttle changes that says fall is in the air is the early morning air. The way that the wind blows lightly different. The difference in the smell of the air. The way you can just sense things are different and starting to change. All of the halloween decor and fall decor making its appearance. This is my favorite time of year. Although it also brings a sense of sadness to me to. Knowing the summer is really over and that my kids will be a whole year older when the next one comes. The little things that make them happy change and they will be that much bigger next year.
It does bring new meaning too. The kids will be able to do more and have more fun. Maybe that's what its all about. Growing and making new memories with new experiences:)
Labels: memories and changes
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tomorrow is Due the big due date...
Well tomorrow is officially my due date..Some how I don't think this baby will be making an appearance then. I saw my doc today and I am still barely dialated and the baby is still sitting really high. So I go back on Monday for a Non Stress test and biological profile of the baby. Basically to check his movement, make sure the placenta is still doing well and to see how big he is. My Last baby was 8lbs 15oz. He was bigger than I ever imagined he would be. Mark was only 6lbs 13oz..big shock for us!!! So I should know more Monday. If things aren't going well, or baby seems to be getting to big, we may end up having the baby on Monday!! Other wise he will still be chilling out in his home for 9+ months. I'm ready...I'm tired, my ribs aches, I don't sleep, Ive eaten more tums than anyone should ever have to. At the same time it buys me a few more precious days with my Mark and Alec. I think I worry about them more than I do anything else.
I'm confident about my labor and delivery and know things will go well. I'm happy to be where I am. Happy to have this little guy and looking forward to being thin again:)
Had I mentioned his first name will be Blake...his middle name will be Edward or Adam...
Labels: baby
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
By the way...
I am so grateful for everyone I have in my life and feel that I am truly blessed.
God is so good that I can not complain and am so happy in my life. Even with circumstances changing all the time, he is so good to us..great family, great friends, just totally blessed:-)
Labels: Jen's lost
Baby celebration
This past weekend was my baby celebration! I have to admit I was feeling very self concious like no one would want to come or even show up. But things went very well and I was very happy to see how many good friends that I do have. I don't get to see all of them very often, or at least often enough for me but it made a huge difference. We had also decided that it would be a party to celebrate the coming of the new baby..No gifts expected. I got so many new baby clothes, diapers and cute toys, I was so thrown. I guess in my self wallowing I didn't think that people would want to come let alone buy the new baby a gift. It really means a lot to me that so many people were here. It was at my house and my great friends Mandy and Sarah threw the shower for me. They put a lot of work into it and I am so grateful for them. I had family and friends here to support me and it was very nice. My youngest Alec went with his dad and Mark my 5 year old stayed here. He was to interested in the party and other kids that may show up. He helped open presents for a few minutes before disappearing to play. I had to slow him down because he was opening them so fast I couldn't even process what I was opening. But he did calm down and I was able to relax and open at a slower pace.
Once I get my pics downloaded I will get them posted. I'm so lazy right now. I'm 38 weeks along and so tired. I feel good that things are getting done and I think I'm ready for him. Ready or not right? Just a few more things and I will be set..I can not believe how fast the past 9 months have gone by.
Labels: baby