Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall is in the air

One of my favorite suttle changes that says fall is in the air is the early morning air. The way that the wind blows lightly different. The difference in the smell of the air. The way you can just sense things are different and starting to change. All of the halloween decor and fall decor making its appearance. This is my favorite time of year. Although it also brings a sense of sadness to me to. Knowing the summer is really over and that my kids will be a whole year older when the next one comes. The little things that make them happy change and they will be that much bigger next year.
It does bring new meaning too. The kids will be able to do more and have more fun. Maybe that's what its all about. Growing and making new memories with new experiences:)


kelsey said...

I feel the same way. I love fall, but I hate, just hate knowing that summer is over. And that my flip flops will soon have to be put away:(

So, no baby yet? Happy thoughts are going your way;)

Heidi said...

Yep, Fall is the best!! I love the cooler weather!