Monday, February 15, 2010

First time in 10 years

This last Sunday was the first time in 10 years that Brandon and I went to Church! We have been talking about going to church together for years. But never quite made it for one reason or another. Or shall I say excuse...When Mark was really little we wanted to go but felt that he was to small. Then we had Alec and he was to small. Basically we never made the time to go even though we wanted to. This I know is a heated debate as there are believers and not believers out there. I have always believed and feel that God touches my life every day. But I haven't taken the time for him. The time one hour every Sunday to go and enjoy and learn new things about him. So we waited a few months after Blake was bigger and not so suseptible to everything around him and bit the bullet yesterday. It was such a good feeling and I'm so glad that we went. The boys enjoyed it and they got to go to Sunday school. We all enjoyed it and I can see it becoming a very good routine for us to get into. The baby napped, fussed a little bit and of course let out a cry like I was killing him during the sermon. But I felt at peace being there and I'm so excited to go next Sunday!!!


kelsey said...

Good for you!!! We are faithful at going every week. At least when the kids aren't all sick-like yesterday (I got to stay home with them). Sometimes I admit it's hard to get up for, (our ward just changed from 1:30pm to 8:30 am at the beginning of the year...) but I always feel SO GREAT when I get home. Nothing like learning and feeling and knowing that you're doing alright...;)

Heidi said...

Yay! I'm so glad you went!! What church did you choose to explore?? I bounce back and forth between churches...I just haven't found "the one" yet. I used to go to Grace Lutheran, but Pastor Steve is no longer there and I haven't found anyone quite like him since! It's hard to find a good church around here.

Amanda & Colby said...

I keep telling myself that I need to just go...but Sunday comes around and I feel I am too busy for that one hour. I applaud you for taking that step and doing it!