Friday, July 16, 2010

Today I am the bad guy

Yep that's right I am the bad guy. My husband decided that it would be ok for the the boys to have a wall in their bedroom that they can unleash their creativity on. By this I mean here boys, have some markers and color it up. He things this is a great idea and me not so much. I think it would be fun but for me its that much more mess to clean up. He says we will paint over sweat. I don't know why this urks me so much but it does. When I walk by and Mark shows me his picture I am annoyed and take his marker away. To where he replies Dad said its ok...He is the boss..and the boss of you too..Excuse me, he is what?? Mark also tells me that Dad bought our house and our bed and all of our furnishings. I guess because I stay home with them I have become useless. So now I am mad and I am uncool because dad said they could do it..Didn't discuss it with me just said have at it. Then he says are you still yelling at them about the wall? Yes I am!
Of course we discuss it out, but It doesn't really seem to matter because I am making a big deal over nothing. Rrrrrrrrrr..I love my hubby to be involved, but Geez! Now here I am stewing over it and they are outside playing in the pool.

*UPDATE* I was having a bad day! Re-reading this I could not believe what a cry baby I was. I'm much better now. I am sure one day I won't want to paint over it because of the cute little memories that are there!