Sunday, August 22, 2010

location, location, location

I've lived in Kingman all 29 years of my life (almost 30)I have never had a desire to leave because its made me very happy. I enjoy the changes I've seen, although some not my favorite. But over all I feel its a decent little place to live. I've always thought as long as my parents were here I would stay. They are much older than most people my age parents. My mom 73 and my dad 66.
Things here have been good and there have been bad. I've always enjoyed how close we are to most everything. Vegas, Phoenix, Flagstaff, San Diego, you know all the l decent hot spots.
Of course after High school everyone scattered across the united states and else where. Some if not most couldn't wait to get out. Some trickled back, some stayed close, and some are still running.
I've got a friend that moved because her hubby wanted to. She left her family, friends, everything. He gained back his mom and dad. So while she has no one he is thrilled to be around his parents. I think she has missed it here since the day she left.
Now I've got another set of friends touring Oregon. They think they'd like to move and it makes me sad. I don't want to lose a friend. I know I won't lose her, but having coffee together will have whole new meaning! I think she will regret leaving her family. He doesn't have any family here. She isn't sure she wants to raise her daughter here either. Which hurts to because we were both raised here and I think we turned out great! I think there are a lot worse places to be.I get so tired of people knocking Kingman. But then I do wonder some time if living else where would bring me more joy..
So I have a heavy heart tonight. I hope they change their mind. Some times I think of leaving too, but don't know that I could. Do you ever feel like moving, or have regrets of not? Or think you may in the future??

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Camera bandit still at large!

exhibit A (taken by accomplice)
It has come to his mom's attention that the camera bandit has an accomplice. Camera Bandit has successfully been sneaking photos for a few years at best.

exhibit B (accomplice)

Very obviously not camera bandit, but his accomplice, perhaps leader...

Latest stolen photos

Camera bandit at it again this past between our own photos..

dad's legs and dirty floor..
 Camera bandit has gotten to be quite good. Taking photos unbeknown to his father...

We aren't sure what the bandits are trying to tell us, but will continue to update as this story unfolds.

Pre-schooler in the house:)

First day of preschool!

Alec Started preschool this week! We decided it would be good for him since Mark is gone all day now and he has been acting out.  He goes two days a week from 9-12.  We did the same thing with Mark and he loved it.  Alec is so excited and his teacher Miss Cami called and said he did great! She was very proud of him.  So are we:)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Camera Bandit strikes again!

The Camera Bandit was spotted again August 12, 2010.  He was seen making his little brother laugh in the back of the car and snapping a picture of him.  If you have any info, regarding this little bandit Please contact his mom and let her know he has her camera.  He is considered armed with camera and extremely dangerous! He will take bad pictures of you, sometimes himself, and incriminating ones to say the least. Keep your doors locked and your homes clean because he is very talented at snapping photos of extra clutter and dirty floors! More info on his where-a-bouts and his photo skills to follow...

*Update* First Grade

Mark said his first day at school was "The best day ever!"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First day of school 1st grade

Alright mom, enough with the dang camera! Mark was up early and ready to go.  Things were super smooth and easy for us. Although I'm not a morning person! I guess I will be now.  He posed long enough for me to shoot with him at his desk and then was off to recess. I love my boy and am super proud of him! Here is to a great school year! Dad had to be in BHC early today so he missed it but should be here tomorrow for day 2~ I also managed to make it out of the building before I cried my eyes out. A vast improvement from last year.

Sugar and spice

Alec decided that he wanted cinnamon toast.  He was looking for the sugar and decided that he didn't need any..that cinnamon would be sufficient.  I hope you can see the pure layer of cinnamon on this toast.

He did eat some of it too..Call him cinnamon from now on. He He!  I asked him later how his toast was and he said it was very sweet. I said you mean very nasty and he said Very nasty..ha ha! I love these little boys so much my heart aches.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hide and go seek.

Some times I really like to get to Brandon.  Some times, I will be in the other room and hear Blake fussing.  As soon as he goes to Brandon, Brandon will pick him up to bring to me.  So in turn I will hide as fast as I can.  Now this hiding sport I have to be very good at.  If the dog notices where I have hidden he will linger in the area and give me away.  If the cats know where I am they walk around the house acting like they are not sure what is going on and give me a way by looking in the general area. I've done this for years with all three boys.  I sit and think of good hiding spots and plan it.  I have to be ready and fast.  Some times I only have minutes even seconds.
 I think the best I ever hid was when I hid in Mark and Alec's room in their cabinet.  It has one shelf inside and I took it out earlier in the day. No one even noticed.  I put the dog out side and shooed the cats away. I got in and just waited. I bet it took them a good 45 minutes to an hour to find me.  They searched the entire house. They checked out side and when they would get far enough away I would yell at them.  Our dog was running through the house looking for me.  I was laughing on the inside so hard.  Every time they would come in the bedroom I would hold my breath. It was a bit cramped but I did what I had to do.  Finally they gave up.  Sweet victory!  Its all about the fun:)

Rainbow skies...and summers end

I can't help but love a good rainbow.  They are so mystical and the kids are small enough that they are in awe of them.  We saw this one on our walk yesterday.

This little guy also paid us a visit.  He sat a top our truck when we came home from the caverns last weekend.  He let Brandon get very close.  Brandon was in back of his truck. So cute.

We took a walk to the park and got rained out.  Alec peddled fast and hard to get under cover.  I was trying to get the shot of his little legs peddling as fast as he could crying in the rain.  But he moved way to quick.  It didn't sprinkle a drop until we left the house.  It was super nice out though

Blake loves going for walks! He circled his brothers several times when I was walking around the house looking for my ring.  I have a bad habit of taking my rings off when I get in the house.  Even worse is never putting them in the same spot twice!

This guy starts school on Thursday...Sigh! He will be gone all day in someone else's care.  At least he is learning and I get him in the evenings:) He is so excited to learn.  I just love him! Alec will also be starting Pre-school.  We decided it would be great for him and will help with Mark being gone all day.

We also did vacation bible school.  Sunday though Thursday.  The boys had fun.  Alec had some separation anxiety but we got him to stay.  After the first night he was sitting in the back and he says "that wasn't vacation bible school, That was church." We have been going to church every Sunday since February.... Very proud!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Our weekend

This weekend we decided to go to the Grand Canyon Caverns. It was a nice little get away.

As we got closer the sky got darker and this cloud  creeped me out.  It looked like a funnel cloud.

So much water came down so fast. We sat in the car for 15 minutes at least waiting for the water to let up.

 And of course there were sunny skies when we got back to Kingman! We enjoyed ourselves and the boys had fun. It was nice to do something different for the day. See some nice scenery and just enjoy life.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

In other news....

He's walking yes indeed he's walking...(he totally reminds me of Steve Irwin in this outfit)

and making lovely music...

My hubby went with his friend Aaron to see Dinner for Schmucks on Friday night. I offered to watch his little girl in lieu of going to Dinner with a couple of friends. I think every thing fell apart right about the same time. They decided to bring movies and wine over after they ate out. When they text me I was going mad...Blake was sticking his hands in the toilet, the little girl had peed her pants and Alec had dropped my Glass tea jar in the kitchen...Thank goodness for Great friends and Wine!!! I'm not into the really dry, pucker up your mouth wine. But If it tastes like juice I can handle it. It was a great thing to add to the evening:)

Oh and the beautiful roses came from my hubby..he does think of me from time to time:)

kids comments

Yesterday Alec was picking on a scab he has on the back of his ear. I told him he needs to leave it alone so it will heal. He hasn't either..So finally I told him if he didn't leave it alone his ear was going to fall off. He bickered with me a few more minutes before finally saying "The tooth fairy will bring me a new one"...Priceless!