Friday, August 13, 2010

Camera Bandit strikes again!

The Camera Bandit was spotted again August 12, 2010.  He was seen making his little brother laugh in the back of the car and snapping a picture of him.  If you have any info, regarding this little bandit Please contact his mom and let her know he has her camera.  He is considered armed with camera and extremely dangerous! He will take bad pictures of you, sometimes himself, and incriminating ones to say the least. Keep your doors locked and your homes clean because he is very talented at snapping photos of extra clutter and dirty floors! More info on his where-a-bouts and his photo skills to follow...


Skye said...

so cute! i love the camera bandit post a lot!!!

kelsey said...

I haven't been to your blog in a bit, and boy, have I been missing out! Look at all these adorable pics of your boys!! Blake is SO SO cute! I can't believe he's walking... And your hiding post-LOL!! My hubs will do the same thing, but I never thought to hide...;) This post was super cute too. Can't wait to see more of his pics!

And on a side note, so hear you on the grueling early mornings now...why can't school start at like 11???

Jennifer said...

Glad you guys like my posts:)

I have been trying really hard to post more frequently and post more pictures. Generally just have fun with it. Helps me to de-stress and chat with you guys.

It would be easier if school started at 11:-P But they like getting up early and I am enjoying being up slightly earlier, I just have to be a tad bit more organized. which doesn't come naturally to me:-)