Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Loss of another friend

So I never really have anything to blog about..and I don't really want to bore you with my every day boringness..But I figured I would tell you about my sweet dog that we had to have put to sleep last night. When Brandon and I got our first house we didn't live there very long before we got a dog. He was working in Havasu on the day I went to the car wash to get my car washed. They had the cutest black lab there. He had been there for a few days and had just been hanging out. I just had to take him home with me. I told Brandon over the phone I had got a dog. I can still remember him and his tone when I told him I got a dog. "you got a dog?" he said..haha...I wanna say this was January of 2001. (he was 7 or 8 months old) That fall was when we got Sammy and they were instant friends. Jake was such a sweet dog. We had two big piles of dirt in our back yard and Jake had so much fun leveling both of them. He'd sniff and kick and dig. So much fun to watch. Sammy and Jake played for hours on end. A year ago we lost Sammy and I was so sad for Jake. Jake would always jump up and scratch on the door and look in the house when it was time to eat. He only barked when someone was in the ally and he would make this growl/ bark out of his mouth when you would talk to him. He had such a sweet spirit and would always put his paw on your leg or on your arm so you would pay attention to him. Sammy and Jake always would stick together when they would break out of the yard. I think it happened maybe a whole 5 times. But I was devastated every single time. Always so glad to get them back in one piece. Jake was so obnoxious to Sammy but it fit them as friends. I can picture him tugging on his fur and putting his mouth on him to chew and bite on him. I am really going to miss him. I think he had a stroke. He seemed fine yesterday. But last night he didn't come out to eat and was hididng in the bushes. He had gone blind instantly and could not get up. He also seemed very stiff. I could not let him suffer so we called the vet. We sat with him and he stayed very calm while we were there. He was so calm. I told him how much I loved him and how sorry I was that he was sick. After the vet put him to sleep he looked so peaceful and wasn't in pain anymore. I can't even read rainbow bridge without losing it. The yard feels so empty now. The wind blows and its strange. I don't see him in his dog house and he doesn't follow me around the yard anymore like he did. Its the subtle little things about him that I miss. I had him before I had kids, before I was a grown up. I hope he knows that I loved him. He was my buddy. I hope him and Sammy are in heaven running together and he doesn't feel I'm a traitor. I also hope to see him one day again.


Nichole Christensen said...

This breaks my heart! :( And on a side note, I don't think hearing about your every day life would be boring :)

Skye said...

So sad! At least you gave him a good life and you'll see him again.