The teen drama continues. Mainly disrespect and attitude. I've gotten to the point very quickly where I don't care. I LOVE my niece but she has proven that she is going to do what she wants to anyways. We go round and round with her. She doesn't like us to say anything to her at all. She stays gone all day long..Comes home to sleep and gets up early the next morning to head to her boyfriends. Her job is upset with her because he hangs out there. They have cut her hours back to one day a week. They called her in today and I let her know..she never responded. Her boyfriend thinks I should be ok with her staying the night and that she should be able to stay out as late as she wants. She worships the ground he walks on.
I had been holding this all in. It has really been weighing heavy on my heart. So I decided to give her father a call and let him know what was going on..With everything. I had asked him what he thought about letting her go out on her own since that is what she really wants. I told him about her boyfriends age. That had really been weighing heavy on my heart. She didn't want him to know but I wasn't going to Lie for her either. He took it surprisingly well...and I felt such a huge relief off of my shoulders. He said he would think about it and get back with me. In the mean time our niece decided she was not going to come home one night. I text her several times. Her curfew is 11pm. Finally at 12:30 she calls and said she "accidentally" fell asleep. I told her she needed to get home and no response. The next morning they showed up and were gone before anyone was up. Of course she would have gotten an ear full from me. So I let her dad know about all of that and he said I had his blessing to let her go. That if she wanted to be emancipated and live on her own she had his blessing. I think the only way she will ever learn is by going to The School of hard Knocks. I told her she was not allowed to stay at her boyfriends and the snotty response I got from her was that we were going to treat her like an adult by making her pay for her own things but it wasn't ok for her to stay at her boyfriends even if it was an accident. She said she was not going to walk home alone at 12:30am..Its so funny because any other time she most definitely would have and I would have picked her up.
I have tried to be supportive and loving and the only place it has gotten me is used. Before I knew it I was buying him food at Taco Bell and taking him to work. Going to get a coffee and ending up getting them one. All they know how to do is use other people and I'm done. He is 22 live with his Grandma and has nothing to show for him self. He has been suspended from work twice already. She failed one of her summer school classes because it was to hard. She won't go anywhere with out him. She was invited to go see her dad for a week and didn't want to be away from her BF for that long. She said he had a "BAD" feeling that something would happen and her dad would make her stay. She had burnt bridges with every one. Even her own little sister. She went through her clothes and I asked if she was going to give them to her little sis. She said she was going to let his sisters pick through them and then give the rest to her...Wow..
I could go on and on..But right now she is trying to get her stuff together so she can get moved out. We told her as long as she is here she has rules but now we are thinking we need to get her to move sooner. She hasn't been home the last 3 nights and we don't want to deal with the stress anymore. I worry when she isn't here and I can't sleep. I love her but I have to let her go so I can focus on my family. I know at one time we were all teens and said mean things..but even I had my limits.
Mean and Nasty quotes:
They are just mad she is gone because they want her there to clean house and take care of the kids.
Ummm, no I don't ask for her help...
Her dog pooped in one of the boys rooms...she said to Mark.."Well I'm going to tell you what everyone else tells me, keep your stuff put up or your door closed."
She insists on leaving her door unlocked. Blake goes in there if it isn't locked. She said she shouldn't have to keep her stuff put up because its her room. Hello you live with 3 little boys..If I don't keep mystuff put up it gets messed up.
I don't have any reason to be home. I told her she isn't ever home and she gets a lot of freedom. She said that wasn't reason enough.
I told her to respect her boss. She said she isn't a kiss a**
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Mean and Nasty the saga continues
Labels: tween drama
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