Friday, July 15, 2011

Something new

Both of my boys have been accepted into the Charter School in our area.  I'm happy, excited, nervous and concerned.  When I originally applied and Mark didn't get in, I was heart broken.  After a few years at our other school I really got over it and got quite attached. When Alec got in I was excited and nervous all over again. I was worried because after Alec got in Mark's chances would increase a lot.  But I really thought he would not get in and I would have a year to decide if it was really what I wanted or not.  A chance to feel out the school and try things. What did I have to lose? So a few weeks later I got a call saying Mark had been accepted. Of course I got all worried and concerned. Why is it that when we think we want something so bad and then we get it, we are apprehensive? I remember being sooo heartbroken when Mark wasn't accepted. So why am I worried now?  I know that I don't want him to attend the JR High school here.  Things have gotten bad and the charter school seems to have a pretty good handle on it. So I have a few weeks to decide.  Mark wants to try it out.  I just want to make sure he gets the best education. I loved his teacher last year and was looking forward to another year.
I guess time will tell and we shall see!


Heidi said...

I worry about sending my own kids to the junior high, as well, but I also know that the majority of tweens/teenagers are all up to the same doesn't matter what school they attend. While having a good administrator does help, it doesn't help that much. I would not judge you for taking your kiddos there, but I'll tell you what I tell everyone...the problems are within Kingman, and while the charter school may have a better handle on it now, it won't always be that way. My advice to you...go with whatever you first wanted! You can always pull them out later if it doesn't work out, because it's harder to get them accepted over there than it is with the school district. The school district will always accept them...they have to accept EVERY child. :) Hope this helps!