Friday, May 8, 2009

20 weeks half way point

Well, I have finally made it to the half way point in pregnancy number 3. Baby number 3 is moving all over the place and finally getting to the point of kicking me in the ribs. The pregnancy is going well. I haven't really been sick at all and I feel pretty good. I'm usually tired in the evening, but I feel over tired and normally I can't sleep. The hot summer weather is here and its going to make for a very long season. I think I'm up for the challenge. Brandon will be freezing out of the house if I have anything to do with it. He is typically anti running the AC, but I already put in my two sense on that one:) He has no choice..
Mark's 5th birthday party is coming up next weekend. Trying to get all of the planning set for that. I think he will really enjoy it. Its a time when things are 100% about him and he loves that.
Alec is learning quickly the art of antagonizing his brother. The are both such sweet and good boys!