Friday, July 29, 2011

Ding dong the witch is gone!!

Ok so here is my last post on this subject. She is now gone and it is time to let it go. My niece moved all of her stuff out two Saturdays ago. All but her little dog. She said she would come Tuesday to get her but didn't. Understandably she wanted to vaccinate her before taking her to her new home. Tuesday came and I didn't hear from her until around 3pm. She wanted me to take her to cash her boyfriends check that he had signed over to her. She doesn't have her own account and I guess they needed the cash pronto. Now I don't know what time his job hands out checks but like everything else she waited until the last minute to ask me. He was already at work. He started at 3pm. I told her I would call my bank and ask if they would cash it but I had my suspisions that they wouldn't. I was right. So I let her know and she was annoyed like any other day.
Let me back up to Friday..She called Friday night as 9:45. Hubby and I were going to Laughlin to meet up with my sis and her husband last minute. I told my niece that we were leaving and she asked if I could leave the door unlocked. UMMM, NO!! She said she HAD to get over here that night and get everything ready to go for the next day..move some boxes around and throw out some trash. She said it was the only time she had as they were coming to get her stuff the next morning. Besides she wanted to see her dog that she hadn't seen in a few days.

I did end up letting her come to finish up her organizing and packing. I decided that I wanted to get her out and didn't want to leave her with any reason not to get her stuff. She said she would be here Saturday morning.

Saturday afternoon they finally show up. With out friends to help them move..they waited an hour for some people to show up. They had it all moved out side and packed up and left. No good bye, thank you, kiss my booty nothing. I didn't hear from her until the following Saturday when she came to pick up her dog. We were at the grocery store and she called. I didn't answer because I didn't recognize the number. 3 calls later and she called Brandon. She said they were ALREADY at our house and wanted the doggie. Brandon told her we were at the store and it would probably be an hour before we got home. She gave the same old song and dance about how this was the ONLY time they could come and get her and that they were already here. Brandon told her he understood that but she needed to call before coming over. She got huffy and hung up on him calling me back right away. Asking if it was really going to be an hour...No it probably wasn't but geez, I am so tired of putting my life on hold for her. I ended up checking out and forgetting half of what I needed at the store. She got her dog, dish and some food. Good bye right..Nope!!

This Tuesday she picked up her 9.00 check from work. She came by my house at 6pm wanting to know if I could take her to cash her check...Well NO because they are already closed. I think she was hoping I'd just give her the cash. RRRRR!!!

So yesterday she called and of course I didn't answer. She left a message again about cashing her check and doing some laundry. What the F! SERIOUSLY...I ONLY see her when she wants some thing and she wanted to move out to be a big girl but still wants all the perks of living here?? Any time she ever did anything for me like watching the kids her boyfriend HAD to be here and I always owed her something.

I don't mind helping her out, but she told me she didn't want help all the times she said she had NO reason to be home. I never know if what she says is the truth or a lie and I'm tired of it. She went to the ER for a UTI and the bill got sent to her GPa in her dads name. They only did a urine test and a pregnancy test and it cost 1033.00. I told her about the bill and she said oh well my dad can take care of it. Its in his name and its responsibility....WOW..
She also got fired from her job because she was a no call no show. She was moving that day and her boyfriend fell into some glass. So they went to the ER. Now when I asked her if she worked she said she FORGOT. Now she says she was at the ER the whole time and tried calling for hours on end. That when she finally reached someone it was after her shift and she hadn't called since then because she doesn't have a phone any more. They've moved and she hasn't had access to a phone. Well she certainly doesn't have a problem finding a phone to call me when she needs something. So she showed up all ready to work and he was like UMM, you don't work here anymore. So of course that was his fault and she gave him a piece of her mind. Ahhhh!!! RRRRRRR...Deep breath and let it go..Hopefully this is done now.

*Now I do sound mean and heartless but I really do love her and wish her well and right now I'm angry..But I'm just beyond burnt with the whole situation*

Friday, July 15, 2011

Something new

Both of my boys have been accepted into the Charter School in our area.  I'm happy, excited, nervous and concerned.  When I originally applied and Mark didn't get in, I was heart broken.  After a few years at our other school I really got over it and got quite attached. When Alec got in I was excited and nervous all over again. I was worried because after Alec got in Mark's chances would increase a lot.  But I really thought he would not get in and I would have a year to decide if it was really what I wanted or not.  A chance to feel out the school and try things. What did I have to lose? So a few weeks later I got a call saying Mark had been accepted. Of course I got all worried and concerned. Why is it that when we think we want something so bad and then we get it, we are apprehensive? I remember being sooo heartbroken when Mark wasn't accepted. So why am I worried now?  I know that I don't want him to attend the JR High school here.  Things have gotten bad and the charter school seems to have a pretty good handle on it. So I have a few weeks to decide.  Mark wants to try it out.  I just want to make sure he gets the best education. I loved his teacher last year and was looking forward to another year.
I guess time will tell and we shall see!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

She's moving

Well we talked to my niece last  night and she is on her way out.  We felt we had to give her a deadline as far as when to be  out...Other wise she would have kept her things comfortably in my spare bedroom.  She has a week to get her things out.  I felt really bad about this last night, but she hasn't been home at all..She came yesterday with her boyfriend and his sisters to sort through some old clothes and we talked to her. After that she left.  So I guess I can not feel bad about asking her take her belongings as well.  I'm sad, but I think this is the only way.  This is what SHE wants so freedom she shall have.  We do not matter to her right now and this is the only way to salvage the relationship at all.  I hope the 2 months she has been with her boyfriend are enough to get her through a life time of happiness..

I can not put her ahead of my family anymore.  This has gone on for to long and she doesn't care. So I wish her the best and look forward to getting my home back and on the right track.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mean and Nasty the saga continues

The teen drama continues.  Mainly disrespect and attitude. I've gotten to the point very quickly where I don't care.  I LOVE my niece but she has proven that she is going to do what she wants to anyways. We go round and round with her. She doesn't like us to say anything to her at all.  She stays gone all day long..Comes home to sleep and gets up early the next morning to head to her boyfriends. Her job is upset with her because he hangs out there.  They have cut her hours back to one day a week.  They called her in today and I let her know..she never responded. Her boyfriend thinks I should be ok with her staying the night and that she should be able to stay out as late as she wants. She worships the ground he walks on.

I had been holding this all in.  It has really been weighing heavy on my heart.  So I decided to give her father a call and let him know what was going on..With everything.  I had asked him what he thought about letting her go out on her own since that is what she really wants. I told him about her boyfriends age. That had really been weighing heavy on my heart. She didn't want him to know but I wasn't going to Lie for her either.  He took it surprisingly well...and I felt such a huge relief off of my shoulders. He said he would think about it and get back with me.  In the mean time our niece decided she was not going to come home one night. I text her several times. Her curfew is 11pm.  Finally at 12:30 she calls and said she "accidentally" fell asleep. I told her she needed to get home and no response.  The next morning they showed up and were gone before anyone was up. Of course she would have gotten an ear full from me. So I let her dad know about all of that and he said I had his blessing to let her go.  That if she wanted to be emancipated and live on her own she had his blessing.  I think the only way she will ever learn is by going to The School of hard Knocks. I told her she was not allowed to stay at her boyfriends and the snotty response I got from her was that we were going to treat her like an adult by making her pay for her own things but it wasn't ok for her to stay at her boyfriends even if it was an accident. She said she was not going to walk home alone at 12:30am..Its so funny because any other time she most definitely would have and I would have picked her up.

I have tried to be supportive and loving and the only place it has gotten me is used.  Before I knew it I was buying him food at Taco Bell and taking him to work. Going to get a coffee and ending up getting them one. All they know how to do is use other people and I'm done. He is 22 live with his Grandma and has nothing to show for him self.  He has been suspended from work twice already.  She failed one of her summer school classes because it was to hard. She won't go anywhere with out him.  She was invited to go see her dad for a week and didn't want to be away from her BF for that long.  She said he had a "BAD" feeling that something would happen and her dad would make her stay. She had burnt bridges with every one. Even her own little sister. She went through her clothes and I asked if she was going to give them to her little sis.  She said she was going to let his sisters pick through them and then give the rest to her...Wow..

I could go on and on..But right now she is trying to get her stuff together so she can get moved out. We told her as long as she is here she has rules but now we are thinking we need to get her to move sooner.  She hasn't been home the last 3 nights and we don't want to deal with the stress anymore. I worry when she isn't here and I can't sleep. I love her but I have to let her go so I can focus on my family. I know at one time we were all teens and said mean things..but even I had my limits.

Mean and Nasty quotes:
 They are just mad she is gone because they want her there to clean house and take care of the kids.
Ummm, no I don't ask for her help...

Her dog pooped in one of the boys rooms...she said to Mark.."Well I'm going to tell you what everyone else tells me, keep your stuff put up or your door closed."

She insists on leaving her door unlocked. Blake goes in there if it isn't locked.  She said she shouldn't have to keep her stuff put up because its her room.  Hello you live with 3 little boys..If I don't keep mystuff put up it gets messed up.

I don't have any reason to be home.  I told her she isn't ever home and she gets a lot of freedom.  She said that wasn't reason enough.

I told her to respect her boss. She said she isn't a kiss a**

Where have I been??

Sorry I keep coming up MIA.  My home computer has decided to work when it wants to so I have to borrow my hubby's when I can.  He uses it for work and its hard to sneak away. It seems most days he doesn't have to be on it until I need it..but thats ok.  I have been getting a lot more done around the house and not getting on facebook as much.  Lately Facebook seems sort of blah to me anyways.  Some days I get crabby and don't want to see the mindless jokes or the over posters who POST everything.  There are days when I don't have much to say so I don't.  I try to post good and positive things that will hopefully affect me like they do others.

So where have I been ...well I've been swimming a  lot lately and I'm excited about that.  Normally I don't enjoy doing those sort of things because its hard work.  Packing everyone up, making sure we don't forget anything. Getting so dirty I can't stand it...but lately I seem to be over that and have enjoyed it.  Our friends Larry and Kat live in Mohave Valley so we go down to either the river with them or to their home owners association pool.  Its been great.  They are children people so I get to enjoy my self not chasing the kids the entire time.  Which in that respect the kids have LOVED going and have been SO good.  We have a great cove we go to off of the river and its just perfect.

I applied for financial aid and am thinking about going to cosmetology school. I have wanted to go forever and ever and have really been feeling down on myself that I didn't have a career.  My hubby brought me a pamphlet from All Beauty College in Bullhead City and we started talking about it a lot more. So I decided to apply and see where I get. Now I just have to figure out rides and daycare for my kiddos and I think its a go.  If I start August  I will be done in July of next year.  I'm excited, nervous and really hoping it works out.
It isn't set in stone yet, but something is going to happen very soon!