Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I thought this picture was pretty great..Great for those of us who love Twilight...Yes, I am a little crazy, but can't help it. I'm a huge fan! I saw the third movie 3 times in the theater:)

On another note I heard a fabulous song the other night when I was watching Jimmy Fallon. The group is called The Black Keys and the song is Tighten up. There are several videos on you tube and I'm sure you could find it on Jimmy fallon's website. They are pretty good. I love the oldie feeling that it has...of course the lyrics are great too:)
I did try to post a link, but it would not let me. So check it out if you get a chance, let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

toothless, and lifes happenings

Mark said he had a lose tooth today! So we had to take a picture to document the joyous occasion. (Obviously about a week ago)

Yesterday he was out in the garage tearing a piece of tape with his teeth and his tooth popped out.We had to do the big tooth search, but we found it! He was super excited. So excited that he could not wait for the tooth fairy to come. She brought him a gold dollar, a big dollar coin and two 50 cent pieces. So he would know just how special he is.

I have to say I thought I would have maybe 9 or 10 pictures to download. When it came to it I had several more. Alec likes to sneak my camera and this is what happens when I'm not paying attention. Its great and they always crack me up!

Mark's friend Lacy spent the night and since they were soooo terrified of the dark this is what I found when I went to check on them..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why oh why?

Note to self: When you think you smell something get up and check it out. Alec polished his nails, toes, fingers, my floor..All when he was supposed to be sleeping..I thought I smelled something and it passed..Boy was I surprised!
Oh and he used my clothes to clean up the mess..

a few pictures to get caught up!

Time with having a new baby in the house has gone way to fast!

Mark and Alec posing for me

Blake sitting with Mark while I feed the dogs

So here is a taste and hopefully as I get more organized there will be more to come:)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

chasing a little piggy

SO I was on my way home from the store last night and I had a feeling I needed to slow down. A feeling that if I didn't I would hit something. Low and behold I had to swerve the car to keep from hitting an animal. Not just any animal..A pot belly pig. I turned around and drove by a few times to try and find the poor fellow. I didn't see him anywhere. So I was hoping he had ran into a near by field. On my way back that way I didn't see him either. I turned into Walleck Ranch and there he was resting on the rocks of someones front yard. I went up to him thinking maybe he was friendly and that I could catch him. He oinked at me a few times and went closer into a tree where I could not reach him. I rang the door bell of the people to let them know they had a little pig in their front yard and so I would not get shot running around like an idiot in their front yard. They wished me luck..
He crossed Gordon and I clapped my hands at him. He ran fast oinking at me the whole time. Had I caught him I don't know what I would have done, but lets just say I'd have a pig in my back yard. I didn't want him to get ran over he was too cute. The story had some hilarity to it so I thought I'd share. Man I wish I'd had my camera! Most people can say I almost hit a dog or cat..but I can say I almost hit a pig. I'm so glad I didn't. If you don't know this about me I am a HUGE animal lover!! It would have broken my heart.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I can sit around all day and read other people's blogs. Its fun and I enjoy seeing how other people function as families. How they share their happy stories and how different every relationship is. I know I get lost in the shuffle and can be crabby with my hubby. Sometimes cranky with the kiddos..But I can read another persons blog and see that maybe my complaints don't really have any merit. These Blogs make me want to be a better person. Treat the hubbie better, love on my kids more, clean my house more (instead of sitting here) So today I'd like to thank my fellow bloggers. With out you, I may be a cranky pants all day, everyday..But today I'm a little better because one of you inspired me:)
Maybe, just maybe, I will get organized enough to start posting more pics.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today I am the bad guy

Yep that's right I am the bad guy. My husband decided that it would be ok for the the boys to have a wall in their bedroom that they can unleash their creativity on. By this I mean here boys, have some markers and color it up. He things this is a great idea and me not so much. I think it would be fun but for me its that much more mess to clean up. He says we will paint over sweat. I don't know why this urks me so much but it does. When I walk by and Mark shows me his picture I am annoyed and take his marker away. To where he replies Dad said its ok...He is the boss..and the boss of you too..Excuse me, he is what?? Mark also tells me that Dad bought our house and our bed and all of our furnishings. I guess because I stay home with them I have become useless. So now I am mad and I am uncool because dad said they could do it..Didn't discuss it with me just said have at it. Then he says are you still yelling at them about the wall? Yes I am!
Of course we discuss it out, but It doesn't really seem to matter because I am making a big deal over nothing. Rrrrrrrrrr..I love my hubby to be involved, but Geez! Now here I am stewing over it and they are outside playing in the pool.

*UPDATE* I was having a bad day! Re-reading this I could not believe what a cry baby I was. I'm much better now. I am sure one day I won't want to paint over it because of the cute little memories that are there!