Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MRI here I come.

So today I went to the dr for this annoying whooshing sound I have had in my ear. Now I get to go and get an MRI done and a hearing test which is less that ideal for me. I don't know why getting an MRI is so scary to me but it is. Hopefully things will come out good. There comes a point where you start to worry about your life and if you will be ok. I'm only 29 and i am a self proclaimed worry wart. My kids need me, I need them, I need my hubby and worry about leaving this earth to early. I know it sounds morbid and I don't mean to, I'm just worried. The Dr said ringing in one ear is not normal. I just gotta suck it in and hope and pray for the best. Luckily our bodies are programed to give us warning signs. Hopefully a few weeks from now this will all be behind me and I will have the result of being fine. Please keep me in your prayers!

I'm not looking forward to the MRI. I never used to be claustrophobic, but for some reason I am now. I had a panic attack one time when I went tanning and was never able to get past it. Thankfully I did because I worry all the time about the tanning and how damaging it is to your health. A definite sign from get out and never go back. But I do worry I will get scared again. Loss of hearing can also cause whoosing sound so I guess we will see how it all goes!
I cried and went through the tomorrow is another day..I hope a better one!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Just thought I'd shout from the roof top, I have only 5 more pounds to go!!!

Things are going well as I can expect I guess. I am waiting to find out if we are going to be able to modify our home loan. Yesterday I got papers saying they needed a request to modify. What, I sent this all in, in November and have since sent out updated paystubs. I called them today and they said that they need an updated one. So basically they are wasting my time. I don't want to have to move, but geez I feel like things are not going in the right direction and maybe we should just get out.
Then I am scared to have to rent a home when we have owned our own home since 2001. It was our first house on Roosevelt off of airway. I loved our home, but when we became parents we decided that the street was way to busy and it was too risky for our children. So we sold it in 05. We bought a major fix er upper and we are really happy here. We put a lot of money into in and I don't want to move. WE have the greatest neighbors, our street isn't busy and I just love the neighborhood. So time will tell. Also what will be will be.

Blake just turned 6 mos old. He has popped his first bottom tooth. He is doing great. Dragging himself every where getting ready to crawl. Still not a big fan of baby food, so I have not pushed it.
Alec and Mark are awesome. Mark will be turning 6 in May and Alec is 3. They are both growing at a great rate and Mark's Kindergarten report card was AWESOME!!

We have gone to church 7 weeks in a row now. Last weekend Brandon didn't make it and it was ok. I ventured out alone with the kiddos and it wasn't bad at all. I love going and I love feeling renewed. I love that the kids ask when we are going again. They are awesome.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

6 mos

Well my Blake is turning 6 mos old already. On the 20th. where has the time gone? I've started him on some cereal..He doesn't really seem all that interested. He still gags on it just a little bit. I hope it passes and that he gets more interested in food. I don't think he knows what he is missing. I decided to try some oatmeal with bananas. When Mark was a baby he loved it. Alec, didn't really care so much he wanted the good stuff. So hopefully Blake just isn't quite ready yet. Although I am..its hard to fully satisfy a booby baby. He likes to nurse and I don't blame him but its really hard on the momma.
I will keep you updated on the solids. Let me know if any of your children were ever not totally ready for food and it took them a bit longer.

I'm feeling lucky

So my headaches have finally gone away! Man I am so happy I was really worried over it. Worried about all the possible horrible things it could be. I decided to cut down on caffeine and that seemed to make a big difference. I was having a coffee at least every day. Usually a big one, sometimes a soda, maybe tea, so I think I was just on caffeine over load.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I just saw the new trailer to Eclipse and I can not wait for this movie to come out. I am such a girl when I think about it and become super Giddy:) If you haven't seen it check it out!