Monday, June 8, 2009

Condemned for having baby number 3

I'm curious to know what it is about human nature that limits us to only having one or two children. I mean as I go to the store I get looks because I have another baby on the way and I already have 2. I see other people get looks because they have a few children with them. Seems so many people are so anti children when really its my choice and not any one elses. I love my kids with a passion, but its really getting old that people are "advising" my husband on having children. Telling him he needs to get fixed etc.. Isn't this a personal choice?

Excuse me but we weren't trying for baby number 3...I have to say if you tempt god things happen. For me everything happens for a reason. I'm happy to be expecting another baby, but at the same time it should be a happy time and not an unhappy time. Babies are a blessing and for what ever reason I was meant to have this next one. I remember the days when I didn't have children. Things were definately different and something was missing. I don't know that I would have ever had kids had I not gotten the unexpected surprise of Mark. Boy was I missing out. I had no idea the amount of love I could feel for someone else. How when they hurt I hurt and to worry so greatly about someone so little. WOW...Alec was welcome when ever he got here. We knew we would have one or two, and now we have number three on the way. A time that should be a happy time has left me feeling sad, self concious, and inadequate.

Everything changes when you have a child and I really don't think the people that don't have children should judge until they feel the greatest love of all. Kids are kids and they act up,they do silly stuff and they make us laugh. They grow up way to fast and all you have are memories. Some of us have a few kids, some of us have one, and some of us have none. But its a choice that we make ourselves. I am nervous enough worrying how the boys will react to having a sibling, and how I'm going to do it myself. But none the less I'm happy!

I am happy to be having another baby..
No offense to my friends that don't have children or preconcieved notions...I'm just feeling down!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

testing again..

Andrew and Alison said...

Sounds like you are going through quite an emotional whirlwind! :) Be glad that you are having your family now, young. Don't be scared about how life will change with introducing a new baby and making everything work--it always falls into place. I have a friend who has 7 kids and she is 34 yrs old. 3/4 kids is normal--especially for a small town! :) LOL So don't go worrying what other people think, or imagining what they may be thinking.

Andrew and Alison said...

oh yes, and I read an interesting article about a woman who was 42 and has 28 kids! 28 kids!!! And no, only 2 sets of twins, the rest all were one by one. And no, they don't live in Utah :) They just wanted to have a big family. So please don't worry that 3 is too many... having brothers and sisters is great growing up and great when you are older! :) Besides--you dont' have a baby girl yet.