Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MRI here I come.

So today I went to the dr for this annoying whooshing sound I have had in my ear. Now I get to go and get an MRI done and a hearing test which is less that ideal for me. I don't know why getting an MRI is so scary to me but it is. Hopefully things will come out good. There comes a point where you start to worry about your life and if you will be ok. I'm only 29 and i am a self proclaimed worry wart. My kids need me, I need them, I need my hubby and worry about leaving this earth to early. I know it sounds morbid and I don't mean to, I'm just worried. The Dr said ringing in one ear is not normal. I just gotta suck it in and hope and pray for the best. Luckily our bodies are programed to give us warning signs. Hopefully a few weeks from now this will all be behind me and I will have the result of being fine. Please keep me in your prayers!

I'm not looking forward to the MRI. I never used to be claustrophobic, but for some reason I am now. I had a panic attack one time when I went tanning and was never able to get past it. Thankfully I did because I worry all the time about the tanning and how damaging it is to your health. A definite sign from get out and never go back. But I do worry I will get scared again. Loss of hearing can also cause whoosing sound so I guess we will see how it all goes!
I cried and went through the tomorrow is another day..I hope a better one!


kelsey said...

I'll be praying for you. This sounds scary, but I'm sure everything will be just fine. But I know what you mean about needing to be here for your kids, for your hubby and everything. I cringe thinking about the pain I would leave my husband in if something were to happen to me.

Heidi said...

I'm thinking about you and hoping for the best!! :)