Sunday, July 10, 2011

She's moving

Well we talked to my niece last  night and she is on her way out.  We felt we had to give her a deadline as far as when to be  out...Other wise she would have kept her things comfortably in my spare bedroom.  She has a week to get her things out.  I felt really bad about this last night, but she hasn't been home at all..She came yesterday with her boyfriend and his sisters to sort through some old clothes and we talked to her. After that she left.  So I guess I can not feel bad about asking her take her belongings as well.  I'm sad, but I think this is the only way.  This is what SHE wants so freedom she shall have.  We do not matter to her right now and this is the only way to salvage the relationship at all.  I hope the 2 months she has been with her boyfriend are enough to get her through a life time of happiness..

I can not put her ahead of my family anymore.  This has gone on for to long and she doesn't care. So I wish her the best and look forward to getting my home back and on the right track.


Skye said...

you tried, you are wonderful for providing a loving stable home for her while you did. i'm impressed with you for sure.

Heidi said...

Glad to hear that she's did your best, but you are right, you have your own kids to worry about!