Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer is almost gone

I just cannot fathom how fast time goes by anymore. Its seems weeks ago it was just starting and now I'm looking at the lists of school supplies that Mark is going to need for his first year of school.
I'm really not looking forward to it. I have thought and thought of keeping him home..But feel I am compromising his education if I do so. He is so impressionable and I'm so worried about how he will do at school. I guess I worry about the other kids too. The kids that don't have good role models at home and start to shape and turn your kids because they don't know any better. We do have a k12 program here for homeschooling..but I am so torn. As it is he will go to Kindergarten 2 hours and 55 minutes a day. So I think I will let him go and see how it goes and how he likes it. I think I will know almost immediately if there are problems and he isn't reacting well. He is very excited to go to a big school and I think it will be good for him. But I just haven't quite figured out how to deal with it yet. When did I become so old fashioned that I didn't want my baby to go to school. I enjoyed school and I know he will to. Just one more thing to worry about..Sigh*