Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tomorrow is Due the big due date...

Well tomorrow is officially my due date..Some how I don't think this baby will be making an appearance then. I saw my doc today and I am still barely dialated and the baby is still sitting really high. So I go back on Monday for a Non Stress test and biological profile of the baby. Basically to check his movement, make sure the placenta is still doing well and to see how big he is. My Last baby was 8lbs 15oz. He was bigger than I ever imagined he would be. Mark was only 6lbs 13oz..big shock for us!!! So I should know more Monday. If things aren't going well, or baby seems to be getting to big, we may end up having the baby on Monday!! Other wise he will still be chilling out in his home for 9+ months. I'm ready...I'm tired, my ribs aches, I don't sleep, Ive eaten more tums than anyone should ever have to. At the same time it buys me a few more precious days with my Mark and Alec. I think I worry about them more than I do anything else.
I'm confident about my labor and delivery and know things will go well. I'm happy to be where I am. Happy to have this little guy and looking forward to being thin again:)
Had I mentioned his first name will be Blake...his middle name will be Edward or Adam...


Heidi said...

Oh, I hope you can have him tomorrow!!! I have no idea how you do it! Both of my kids disliked their "home"...Gracie was ready to be out at 5 months!! Good luck! I'll be thinking of you!

kelsey said...

I felt that same way about Christian. Was so tired and uncomfortable-ready for it to be over, yet not ready, still needing that time with the other kiddos... But he'll come, you'll feel better, the boys will adore him and all will be great! And here's hoping for a 7lber...I've had a 7lber, 2 8lber and a 9er. That 7lber is just right;)