Monday, July 19, 2010


I can sit around all day and read other people's blogs. Its fun and I enjoy seeing how other people function as families. How they share their happy stories and how different every relationship is. I know I get lost in the shuffle and can be crabby with my hubby. Sometimes cranky with the kiddos..But I can read another persons blog and see that maybe my complaints don't really have any merit. These Blogs make me want to be a better person. Treat the hubbie better, love on my kids more, clean my house more (instead of sitting here) So today I'd like to thank my fellow bloggers. With out you, I may be a cranky pants all day, everyday..But today I'm a little better because one of you inspired me:)
Maybe, just maybe, I will get organized enough to start posting more pics.


Skye said...

Yes....more pictures please! :)