Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm a big cry baby

I am a confessed worry wart. When something hurts or doesn't feel right I get scared and wonder whats wrong with me. A few days ago I started with a pulsing sound in my right ear. Then I happened to be reading in one of my magazines about how this wooshing sound can mean you have some sort of disease..blah blah blah..I pretty much ignored that although it bothered me..So I got on the computer and looked it up and found all these much worse things like Brain tumors etc. Bad enough to scare anyone. Then I started getting pains in my head at random spots. I took some tylenol but it didn't seem to touch it. Last night after researching all sorts of stuff I decided to go to bed and put it in God's hands. Not too long after I got off the computer and went to bed my face on one side got really tingly. This is along with dizziness and sinus pressure I've had. So today I broke down and went to fast tracks urgent care. He said I have an upper respiratory infection and not to focus to much on what I read. I have fluid in my ear etc. So I do feel somewhat better. I got antibiotics and some decongestant. But My face keeps getting tingly in radom spots. Kind of by my eyes, close to my temples and by my cheeks. Its scary and it has made me worry something terrible. I know my sinuses are acting up, but geez.Its so scary..I think about my hubby and what would happen if something happened to me. I don't want to leave my babies behind and its got me truly worried. Anyone else ever have this? Its nerve wracking and off course if it gets bad I will go to the ER..But I'm just hoping the antibiotics will kick in quick enough and My head will be out of the fog. The way I've felt for the past few days.
Things like this really make you double check your priorities and pray to God. While I've put it in his hands I still can't help but worry..Bleck! I hope tomorrow I start to feel better!!


Heidi said...

I've never experienced the tingly feeling by my eyes and cheeks, but I do know that's where sinus stuff happens, so maybe the doc is right. Try not to worry too much.