Thursday, August 12, 2010

First day of school 1st grade

Alright mom, enough with the dang camera! Mark was up early and ready to go.  Things were super smooth and easy for us. Although I'm not a morning person! I guess I will be now.  He posed long enough for me to shoot with him at his desk and then was off to recess. I love my boy and am super proud of him! Here is to a great school year! Dad had to be in BHC early today so he missed it but should be here tomorrow for day 2~ I also managed to make it out of the building before I cried my eyes out. A vast improvement from last year.


Skye said...

so adorable....which school is that? i can't even imagine how hard it is for you to drop him off at school. i'd probably cry my eyes out but at least you kind of held it together this time.

Heidi said...

You are so good are capturing all of those moments! I am envious that I can't be with my kids on their first days to take pics of them, too.