Monday, August 9, 2010

Hide and go seek.

Some times I really like to get to Brandon.  Some times, I will be in the other room and hear Blake fussing.  As soon as he goes to Brandon, Brandon will pick him up to bring to me.  So in turn I will hide as fast as I can.  Now this hiding sport I have to be very good at.  If the dog notices where I have hidden he will linger in the area and give me away.  If the cats know where I am they walk around the house acting like they are not sure what is going on and give me a way by looking in the general area. I've done this for years with all three boys.  I sit and think of good hiding spots and plan it.  I have to be ready and fast.  Some times I only have minutes even seconds.
 I think the best I ever hid was when I hid in Mark and Alec's room in their cabinet.  It has one shelf inside and I took it out earlier in the day. No one even noticed.  I put the dog out side and shooed the cats away. I got in and just waited. I bet it took them a good 45 minutes to an hour to find me.  They searched the entire house. They checked out side and when they would get far enough away I would yell at them.  Our dog was running through the house looking for me.  I was laughing on the inside so hard.  Every time they would come in the bedroom I would hold my breath. It was a bit cramped but I did what I had to do.  Finally they gave up.  Sweet victory!  Its all about the fun:)


Skye said...

I love your hiding've got some serious skills! I could never be as good at it as you. I would give myself away by laughing like I always do when I try to hide from Will.

Jennifer said...

Ha ha! Yeah its hard, but I love a good challenge. I have had some good hiding spots over the years.

Heidi said...

I like to pretend that I'm sleeping and don't hear the kids fighting, just so I don't have to deal with it!

Amanda said...

haha! I need a hiding spot...but I have a feeling Wyatt would crawl after me so fast that I could never hide fast enough.

I just usually pull the whole "I am asleep" gig like Heidi.