Sunday, August 22, 2010

location, location, location

I've lived in Kingman all 29 years of my life (almost 30)I have never had a desire to leave because its made me very happy. I enjoy the changes I've seen, although some not my favorite. But over all I feel its a decent little place to live. I've always thought as long as my parents were here I would stay. They are much older than most people my age parents. My mom 73 and my dad 66.
Things here have been good and there have been bad. I've always enjoyed how close we are to most everything. Vegas, Phoenix, Flagstaff, San Diego, you know all the l decent hot spots.
Of course after High school everyone scattered across the united states and else where. Some if not most couldn't wait to get out. Some trickled back, some stayed close, and some are still running.
I've got a friend that moved because her hubby wanted to. She left her family, friends, everything. He gained back his mom and dad. So while she has no one he is thrilled to be around his parents. I think she has missed it here since the day she left.
Now I've got another set of friends touring Oregon. They think they'd like to move and it makes me sad. I don't want to lose a friend. I know I won't lose her, but having coffee together will have whole new meaning! I think she will regret leaving her family. He doesn't have any family here. She isn't sure she wants to raise her daughter here either. Which hurts to because we were both raised here and I think we turned out great! I think there are a lot worse places to be.I get so tired of people knocking Kingman. But then I do wonder some time if living else where would bring me more joy..
So I have a heavy heart tonight. I hope they change their mind. Some times I think of leaving too, but don't know that I could. Do you ever feel like moving, or have regrets of not? Or think you may in the future??


Heidi said...

I hate when people "knock" Kingman, too! I didn't think it was that terrible growing up here! I would like to move, but mostly because teachers here are the lowest paid in the entire United States. I would like to move to Michigan, which is where the hubbs is from. I just love their summers, humidity and all! It's just so much more beautiful looking at green than brown! But, what essentially keeps me here are my parents...they are the biggest support system ever!