Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wow, my 100th post...2011

Wow have I been a bad blogger! Its crazy how much has happened since my last blog....My hubs birthday, mine, Christmas and now New years! The boys have been out of school for the past two weeks and I have LOVED every minute of it.  Its been nice to not HAVE to be anywhere and spend time with the family.
Seems I haven't really had any time to sit still at all. 

I really can not believe that another year has come and gone.  2011..Really? Wow..I don't think I ever thought this far into the future when I was young.  I do have some resolutions...while I do this periodically through the year anyways..I do still want to work on a few things. 

1. I want to work on being a better blogger! Ya I know what your thinking...No she feel like I am running around in circles most days.  I sometimes can't get my head on straight..I hope to gradually become more organized.  I think that it will happen, but its just going to take time.  I partially organized one of my storage closets today.  Hopefully a little bit at a time.  Before I had kids I was so much more organized. I had every thing how I wanted it.  Now mostly its put away to keep the kids out of it. Hubs likes to put stuff "up" to keep the kids out of it and eventually it causes a bigger mess...The little one of mine is into every thing. He is a climber...

2. I want to keep going to the gym and go a little more regularly.  I think one of my goals was fittest in my life by 30..I'm thinking if the stores ever stop selling sweets, Starbucks, and junk I will get there.  I just gotta keep pushing on.  Last time I checked my body fat I had lost 1.2% and was pretty proud of that number.  But some days I just drag.

3.More home cooked meals.  I can not even begin to tell you how much easier it is to swing by taco bell in the evenings and get a yummy chicken burrito. Amidst the chaos its so much easier to eat out..but then again it doesn't help out #2 either if I keep it up...

4. I want to learn to relax a little bit more..This is just one thing I think I am totally incapable of.  I constantly worry about every thing. There is sooo much to worry about I just need to learn to ditch it all and chill..

5. Finally (oh and believe me I could go on, but will spare you) I need to work on my temper a little and not to get uptight because I do get that way. There is no need and I am thinking that certain things just are what they are..and thats it...

Happy New year 2011....What are some of your resolutions?


Brandi said...

You can do it! I've decided mostly I want to be more "present" if you know what I mean. I tend to let my mind wander, and I'll notice when I'm doing something with the kids I'm not totally THERE, because I can't stop thinking about things I need to do or want to do. I want to enjoy each moment fully. That's my big one, but I also want to work on my temper, like you said, and not let dumb little things get to me.

Brandi said...

Oh, and Happy New Year!

Skye said...

I have a whole list of things I want to work on that I've compiled in my journal. Some really silly like using more of the makeup I have. Used to be really adventurous with it but the last couple years I just do my makeup fast. Then more important things like to stop living in survival mode. I've debated about posting the list on the blog but I might just do it so you and everyone else can hold me accountable :)
Happy New Year to you and I hope you are successful with your can make it happen, I know you can!

kelsey said...

These are great goals. All of which I need to work on too;). The temper one is a really good one. I have been having some issues with that myself...and mostly in regards to the kids. What kind of example am I when I loose it when things aren't going great? And how do I expect my kids to learn to deal with things when I don't?