Sunday, October 18, 2009

4 weeks old

Baby boy turned 4 weeks old today:). ♥ His personality is really starting to shine. He is starting to smile at us. Its great. He is spending more time awake and has really become alert. He sleeps great and his appetite is awesome:). We are going Tuesday to get some baby photos.

I feel great! Ready to take on more and get more done.
Mark and Alec are awesome! Brandon is busy as ever with work and side projects. Hopefully it pays off in the long run. I'm confident it will. He works hard and we have faith:)

Hubby and I discussed waiting until Blake is around 2 before we decide on permament birth control. I think most likely we are done, but I want to make sure before hubby does anything hasty. Like get snipped. I'm not really big on any form of permanent birth control. We've talked about an IUD but I'm scared. I'd rather take bc pills. But don't want to yet because of the breast feeding. I don't want my milk to dry up. So right now we are waiting and will decide a little later.


kelsey said...

I feel the same way about BC. We're going to have one more for sure, and feel that that may be it, but not ready to make anything permanant. Can't wait to see the baby's pictures! Bet he's changed a ton.