Sunday, October 18, 2009

Clean eating

Well I have decided to delve full on into some thing I have spent so much time looking into and not doing. Clean eating! I have read so many books and know what I should be putting into my body, although I never seem to be able to stick with it. I get tired of eating the same ol same ol..But Alas I think its time I get with the program and get past my unorganizedness...and get started..I have been reading the cleaning eating book by Tosca Reno..I bought a few years back. Then I bought the Butt book by her and her clean eating for Kids. I need good and healthy recipes if I'm going to stick with this. Unfortunately my favorite Starbucks drink right now (Pumpkin Spice Latte) is 540 calories. No wonder the scale hasn't budged. Thats crazy..I'm hungry all the time. Granted I'm breast feeding and need more calories but I think my body is lacking in the foods I'm eating and why I'm so hungry and crave all the sugar and junk. So we will see how it goes. I hope to be back down to pre pregnancy weight by December..Not if I keep with the starbucks did just have a baby and I understand that I need time to heal, but I feel eating right will put me where I need to be. Also incorporating some excercise and all of the calories I'm burning by nursing..I will keep you all updated!!


Heidi said...

That's very exciting! I would like to be a better eater, as well, but I think I am doomed for being a chocolate lover for the rest of my life! LOL! I always say that if it's in moderation, you should be able to eat anything you want. And Starbucks, it's a guilty pleasure of mine, too! If it's the coffee taste you go for, try an iced coffee with nonfat milk and 3 pumps of mocha. The only calories/fat you get is from the mocha and I believe it's only 100 calories and a gram of fat. It's to die for!!!! Yum! Anyway, good luck!!!

kelsey said...

Way to go, trying to eat better! I should be that way (I did study nutrition in school...) but I just have a huge weakness for food-and not the good stuff. Although my hubs is still eating a vegan diet (and has lost 30 lbs since June-and loves what he eats) I am not as for that. But I do like all the veggies we are getting. I've read over and over again, want to lose weight-change what and how much you eat. Want to change your shape-exercise. So good luck. And good luck with your kids. This is the time to get some good, healthy foods in them. And keep us posted on how it's going, maybe I'll be inspired by you to eat a little better;)

~kk said...

Cheering you on as you embark on the new lifestyle of eating! Thanks for recommending that book, I will check it out. On a quick glance it looks like the South Beach idea where you eat lots of good, healthy food...and if you are hungry you are doing it wrong. I love that part.